Example font TWIGS 4 kids #1

Font File Information:

  • Version:1.003
  • Company:Typo Graphic Design | Manuel Viergutz
  • Designer:Alexander Branczyk, Daniela Costa, Julia Stanossek, Manuel Viergutz
  • Short description:The typeface TWIGS 4 kids was originally designed for a garden exhibition for children by Daniela Costa, Julia Stanossek, Alexander Branczyk and Manuel Viergutz. 4 font-styles (Einerseits, Andererseits, Invert, Icons) with 495 glyphs (Adobe Latin 1) incl. decorative extras like icons, arrows, dingbats, emojis, symbols, geometric shapes, catchwords, decorative ligatures (type the word #LOVE for or #SMILE for as OpenType-Feature dlig) and stylistic alternates (20+ stylistic sets). For use in logos, magazines, posters, advertisement plus as webfont for decorative headlines. The font works best for display size. Have fun with this font & use the DEMO-FONT (with reduced glyph-set) FOR FREE!
  • URL:http://TypoGraphicDesign.de