Non-commercial project for free download of fonts

Huge catalog of basic, handwritten, decorative and WEB fonts.

    or try to find a font in our catalog.

    Welcome to our humble project. Here you will find thousands of fonts and hundreds of tags that will make it easier for you to find what you are looking for. Almost a font has a description, license type, authorship, supported languages, and other useful information. Our fonts can be downloaded in ttf, otf, woff or woff2 format so that you can use them in any modern operating system or WEB application/site. You can easily install them in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma, Sketch, or any other graphics editor.
    It is also worth mentioning that any font in the archive has a special CSS file with @font-face rules for easy installation of the font on your site.

    The fonts presented on this website are the property of their authors and are free, shareware, DEMO versions. The type of license mentioned next to each font is only conditional. Before using the font, be sure to go to the author's website and specify the type of license. And if the font is paid for, you MUST purchase it from the author before commercial use.
    If the author/license is not indicated or not known, this does not mean that the font is free. We just don't have information at the moment. All rights to the fonts posted on the site belong to their copyright holders.

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